Those bereaved by suicide

Conversations Matter to those bereaved by suicide

I know someone whose family member or friend has died by suicide. What do I say? What do I do?

When a suicide occurs, it can have a devastating effect on family members, friends and others who knew the person. You might not know what to say or what to do when this happens.

This resource provides some basic tips for talking to someone who may have lost a family member, friend or colleague to suicide.

Download the resources

You can download the resource as a fact sheet or an audio podcast by using the links below.

To hear Dr Jaelea Skehan OAM, Director of Everymind, give a brief overview of how to talk to someone bereaved by suicide, you can stream or download the CBAA podcast below, courtesy of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia.

Fact sheet -Those bereaved by suicide
Podcast (female voice) - Those bereaved by suicide
Podcast (male voice) - Those bereaved by suicide
CBAA Podcast - Talking to someone bereaved by suicide
Services and supports
Useful resources
Care and Support Pack for Family and Friends Bereaved by Suicide (NSW)
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
The largest provider of grief and bereavement education in Australia


The Conversations Matter resources have been developed by Everymind based on a set of core principles developed through a research Framework. Information about background research and specific references used can be found HERE.
