Core principles for guiding community conversations

Core principles for guiding community conversations

To guide advice to professionals and communities, a series of evidence-informed core principles have been developed for organisations to use in planning and conducting work with communities.

Principles were developed following a review of the research evidence, a review of current programs and approaches and consultations with a range of professionals and community members. The draft set of principles were rated by three independent panels to ensure consistency before being finalised.

The principles have been used to develop the community stream of resources, but adapted to be engaging and appropriate for the community. They can be used when developing or reviewing training, resources and other work with communities around discussion of suicide.

Download the resources

You can download the core principles to guide community conversations resources by using the links below.

Core principles: Prevention-focused conversations
Core principles: Intervention-focused conversations
Core principles: Postvention-focused conversations

Supporting links

Background research and reports – Provides copies of the literature reviews and consultations reports that guided the development of the core principles for download.
